Case Study
AgTech Startup

About Client

Our client is a startup in AgTech. Their goal is to create a platform with readily accessible, high-quality, and standardized agronomic data that would allow agriculture professionals to make sustainable food production more effective.


When the company first reached out to us, they had already been in operation for several years, focused on their product. They recently went through a transformative phase, experiencing substantial changes in technology, operational strategy, and growth direction.

Now, it was time to work on another vital aspect for any company, especially a growing startup: their team.

They had previous  experience working with an outstaffing company, but weren’t fully satisfied with the results. Still, they decided to give it another try and contacted us. 

The company approached working with a new vendor cautiously. They weren’t sure the performance of outsourced employees would meet their standards. Additionally, like many other companies, they feared that candidates hired through outstaffing would be as dedicated to the project as their in-house employees, and that they might leave unexpectedly.

Our main goal was to ease these concerns and prove that using outstaffing services can be as effective as having an in-house team.



To begin our work together, the company asked us to find two Senior Full Stack Developers to start building their new product. The roles were crucial to the client, so they had high expectations for them. They also had a tight schedule and needed to fill the positions quickly. 

Fully understanding our client’s concerns about working with an outstaffing agency, we made sure to be transparent and dependable in all of our work processes. We wanted to show that teaming up with an outstaffing company can build solid and trustworthy relationships and provide the same level of security as the in-house team.

Once we found the suitable candidates and brought them on board, the client was pleased with our work. This increased their trust in us, and they started to gradually grow their team. As of right now, we’ve helped them find and hire fifteen people across different departments.

Our client knew exactly what kind of candidates they needed and had a list of strict requirements for every position. They wanted only the best candidates representing the top of their field, so we didn't settle for anything less. It was a challenge, but one we were ready to meet. 

For some positions, there were not many people who met the requirements, so it took a lot of searching to find the right person. For others, there were many possible candidates, but we still went through dozens of individuals to find the perfect match. 

When looking for a perfect candidate, we followed our standard process:

  • CV screening;
  • Pre-screening call;
  • Technical interview + soft-skills and English knowledge test;
  • Test task;
  • Interview with the client.

The project had the power to make a positive change in the world, and this really helped us find high quality candidates. Many developers were eager to be part of something that could have a meaningful impact.

The majority of the positions were closed with developers from Eastern Europe. This decision allowed us to be cost-effective without compromising on talent. As a result the client got a team of experienced, highly skilled developers while spending considerably less than if they had hired locally in Israel.

This decision made the team multicultural, so during the onboarding process we prioritized bridging potential cultural gaps among team members. We took deliberate steps to help the new employees smoothly join their respective departments and make sure everyone had a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities. Thanks to this, new developers quickly became an integral part of the company, fitting in smoothly with their colleagues in Israel.


Even though our client already has their own HR department, we provide additional people management support for the employees we hired. Our HR representative works closely with their existing team, making everyone's work more efficient. 

To make sure that both the client and the employees are satisfied and are on the same page, we conduct regular 1:1 meetings and calls with the entire team. We also regularly ask team leaders and department heads for feedback so we can quickly catch and resolve any possible problems. 

We don't just stop at our regular tasks and are always ready to lend a hand. Whether it's making sure the team members in Ukraine have equipment they need to continue working through power outages, or organizing an employee trip to Israel, we are here to make things easier. Our goal is to make everything work smoothly and make sure our clients have everything they need to keep growing.


Currently, the company has fifteen employees on board that we found and hired. They are all working across different departments, and are fully integrated with the in-house team. With the help of the developers we found, our client launched a new product line.

Working with us helped the client find suitable employees much faster and saved them $870,000 a year in salaries.  They don't have any worries about working with an outstaffing agency anymore. Over time, we've built a strong and trusting relationship. 

Things are going smoothly for the company, and they're growing steadily. Now, they are considering expanding the team further, and we are glad to be able to help them with that.


  • Launch a new product line;
  • Save $870,000 a year in salaries and recruiting costs;
  • Save a significant amount of time in the hiring process.

Project Overview