Case Study
Cybersecurity Marketplace No-Code Development

About Client

Our client, a startup passionate about cybersecurity, had an idea for a user-friendly platform that simplifies the often-daunting task of finding and implementing cybersecurity solutions. Going beyond a traditional marketplace, this platform offers a central hub for browsing solutions, reading reviews, and connecting with peers and industry experts through a built-in social network. This comprehensive approach empowers businesses to make informed decisions and build a strong cybersecurity posture.



A new startup reached out to our team with a compelling vision for a one-stop cybersecurity marketplace. Prioritizing agility and speed to market, their objective was to launch a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and capture investor interest quickly. Understanding the limitations of traditional coding for their timeline and budget, the startup turned to us for a solution.

To achieve their goal, we decided to use Bubble, a leading no-code development platform. Bubble's intuitive interface bypassed the traditional development cycle's lengthy timelines and resource-intensive nature, allowing us to rapidly bring their vision to life.

The plan was to create a comprehensive platform for all things cybersecurity.  Users would be able to:

  • Browse a curated selection of solutions: This included both vendor-posted listings and those selected by platform administrators, ensuring a diverse and valuable range of options.
  • Make informed decisions: Detailed descriptions, user reviews, and even a direct chat function with existing customers would equip users with the knowledge they need to make confident choices.
  • Build a cybersecurity community: The platform would be able to connect with both the vendors and their peers through direct chat functionality. The platform further facilitated industry engagement via job postings, and even hosting online cybersecurity events. This fostered a vibrant space for knowledge sharing and collaboration.

This platform aimed to be the ultimate cybersecurity hub, making the field more accessible for everyone. The prospect of creating a platform like this deeply with our team, and we eagerly got to work.


As always, our collaboration with the client began with an in-depth discovery phase. This involved a series of meetings where we delved into their project goals, current operations, and future plans. By gaining a comprehensive understanding of their company and challenges, we could adjust our own work to better fit our client’s needs. 

Here’s what we typically cover during this stage: 

  • Understanding needs: We look at the client's project goals, competitors, target audience and their needs.
  • Scope and feasibility: Prioritize core features for the MVP, ensuring they align with user needs and business objectives. Assess the chosen no-code platform's capabilities to see if it can handle the prioritized features.
  • Strategic planning: We design the user workflow and establish a realistic timeline for the MVP launch, considering the speed advantages of no-code development. We also look beyond the initial launch, and plan any additional features for the later stages of development.

The startup already had some design concepts that served as a foundation for us, allowing us to begin building the platform more quickly.

While we adhered to the plan, we prioritized open communication with the client, and presented them with our ideas when we found the room for improvement. This collaborative approach led to the expansion of the project's initial scope. For example, the original plan involved sourcing vendor information from an external website. Through discussions with the client, we identified the benefit of implementing a native rating system within the platform. This user-generated feedback would provide valuable insights and empower users to make informed decisions.

We also proposed additional features, including a chat function for users to connect directly with cybersecurity vendors. This fostered a sense of community within the platform, facilitating interaction and knowledge sharing.  Furthermore, we integrated user profiles to personalize the experience and the ability to host online cybersecurity events, creating a dynamic space for industry professionals. 

Our focus wasn't solely on the buyer experience. Creating a user-friendly platform for cybersecurity vendors was equally important.  To streamline their workflow, we developed a dynamic admin panel. This intuitive interface allows vendors to quickly create new solutions, edit existing listings, and make bulk changes – saving them valuable time and effort.

We recognized the importance of well-crafted product descriptions on online marketplaces. To empower vendors in this area, we implemented an AI-powered description generator. This innovative feature utilizes generative AI to assist vendors in creating compelling product descriptions, minimizing setup time and allowing them to focus on core business activities. By integrating directly with Gemini Pro, we further simplified the vendor onboarding process, enabling them to quickly create a profile and get started promoting their solutions.

By working closely with the client, the project evolved from simply building the initial design to uncovering new opportunities. These additional features enriched the user experience and ultimately increased product value.



Building a Robust MVP in Record Time: Through a collaborative effort, we successfully launched a feature-rich MVP for the cybersecurity marketplace, with the development process  itself only taking us one month. This rapid development was made possible by leveraging the efficiency of no-code development and our experience in the niche. The MVP showcased the platform's key features, giving clients a working prototype to impress potential investors.

Evolving Functionality and Value: Our collaboration extended beyond the initial build. Working closely with the founders, we continuously refined the features offered on the platform. This included not only implementing features originally planned, but also identifying and integrating valuable additions that weren't part of the initial design. This process ensured the platform offered a comprehensive and valuable experience for users.


  • Leveraging no-code development, we built and launched a feature-rich MVP in record time, showcasing the platform's potential and generating investor interest.
  • Working with the founders, we continuously refined the MVP's features, incorporating both planned functionalities and valuable additions for an optimal user experience.
  • The launched MVP serves as a springboard for attracting investors, engaging users, and driving the platform's future development and scalability.

Project Overview