Case Study
Digital Twins Startup

About Client

Our client is an industry leading startup that created a platform that transforms physical spaces into virtual experiences using digital twins. With a wide array of 3D, AR, and VR solutions, the users can convert the real world into engaging mixed reality experiences.


Our work with the company began shortly after its establishment. The startup's founders understood that hiring plays a crucial role in the success of a company. Often, it can make or break the project, no matter how great the idea is. 

Building the team from the ground up can be complicated, especially for a startup. To someone without prior hiring experience, it can be challenging to determine who to look for, where to find them, and how to check if they're a good fit.

As a brand new startup, our clients were also limited in terms of budget and time. This made making the right hiring decisions quickly a bit tricky. Because of all these challenges, they contacted us and asked for our help in putting together their dream team.



We understand the startup landscape and what new companies have to go through very well,  so we were up for a challenge and were excited to get started.

At the beginning of our work with a new client, we always schedule a conversation with them. We talk about the company, its goals, and what they hope to get from our collaboration. With startups, these conversations are always meaningful –  we want to understand their situation fully to make the best hiring choices. 

Based on our conversations, we gave the company our recommendations in regards to hiring, and helped them create their ideal candidate profile. 

We understand that no case is the same, so we always work hard to tailor our approach to each client. That's why we don't rely on a bench of developers. Instead, we look for candidates who fit the company's needs perfectly.

To address the budget concerns,  we mainly looked for candidates in Eastern Europe.This way, we found experienced developers at a more budget-friendly rate compared to hiring in Israel or other higher-cost regions.

When looking for a perfect candidate, we followed our standard process:

  • CV screening; 
  • Pre-screening call;
  • Technical interview + soft-skills and English knowledge test;
  • Test task;
  • Interview with the client.

While working on this project, we had a strong influence on what the search criteria for the candidate would be, since the company completely trusted us in this matter. 

We aimed for a balanced approach: the candidate had to be experienced enough to thrive and be productive in a startup environment, yet fit into our client's budget. 

Soft skills were important too: the right person for the job had to be a self-starter, eager to prove themselves and grow as a professional, and genuinely invested in the company's success.

Realizing the value of time in the startup world, we made it a priority to find the candidates faster. While some roles took longer than others, we consistently met the specified deadlines. We also assisted in technical interviews to help the founders free up their time.

Soon, we found fullstack developers that fit right in with the company and started to work on the product.  

With our help in assembling a team, the company experienced rapid growth. As it evolved, we continued to staff new positions. Starting with developers, we later added Product Managers and QA engineers on board.  Now that the company has grown significantly, we broadened our scope and started to hire for non-technical roles. 

As of 2023, we've successfully filled most of the company's roles with our hires.


We always act as people partners for all of our clients, but this part of our job is extremely important for startups. 

When much of the team is new and management processes are still taking shape, having someone oversee people's management is vital.

To make sure that both the client and the employees are happy and the work gets done in the most efficient manner, we hold frequent one-on-one meetings and team calls. Sometimes, the smallest details can set off the entire workflow, and it is our job to find those details before they 

We also take over the operational part of the work, including paying out the salaries and managing PTO leaves. By taking care of these routine tasks, we make sure the company's management can focus on their core responsibilities without being distracted by operational processes.

Ensuring seamless integration of the team into the project is another key aspect of our role. The employees need to feel like they're an integral part of the in-house team and are fully dedicated to the project. This kind of commitment is what makes the work truly effective. Our client really made our job easy here: they regard each employee as an integral part of their in-house team, fostering a positive work environment.

The fact that one of our initial hires still remains with the company over five years later speaks volumes about the strong bond we've fostered.


This case holds a special place for us, as we've been with the company right from the beginning.

Our developers were there practically from the first lines of code written, and we are very proud to see how far they've come.  

They developed and launched their product successfully, have already earned an amazing reputation and got to work with high-profile clients. 

A thoughtfully selected team helped them launch their project and start getting customers quickly. Now, they are steadily growing and expanding.


  • Gather a professional team within a short time frame and with a limited budget;
  • Build and launch a successful commercial product.

Project Overview