Case Study
Healthtech Startup

About Client

Our client is a pioneering healthtech startup working in the field of remote rehabilitation. It revolutionizes traditional rehabilitation care and allows healthcare facilities to accomplish more with their existing personnel.


When we started working together, our client had a great idea for a project and a clear vision of its potential. They’ve already had a proof of concept demo and raised some funding. However, it was time to take the company to the next level. Time was of the essence. They needed a team of skilled developers to help them build an MVP, and they needed to find the right people for the job quickly and with a limited budget. 

The founders of the company were uncertain about how to find the candidates who would best fit the role, so they reached out to us and asked for our help.



We understand the challenges startups face very well, and have walked this path with other companies many times, so we were excited to start working with our new client. 

After extensive talks with founders – we discussed their company, its growth trajectory and culture, and the tasks that stood before them – we created the ideal candidate profile and began the search for the best matches.

We use a tailored approach for every client, ensuring we find the perfect fit without relying on a bench of developers. Instead, we start our search from scratch, carefully selecting individuals who are best aligned with the client's specific needs and preferences.

Knowing the challenges that stood before the company, we knew we had only one chance to get the hiring right. We focused on looking for senior developers because of the expertise required for this project.

To address the limited budget, we mainly looked for candidates from Eastern Europe. It allowed us to find experienced developers at a more budget-friendly rate compared to hiring in Israel or other high-cost regions.

When looking for a perfect candidate, we followed our standard process:

  • CV screening;
  • Pre-screening call;
  • Technical interview + soft-skills and English knowledge test; 
  • Test task;
  • Interview with the client.

A big part of our job was making prospective candidates interested in the position. With the market for experienced developers being so competitive, it's all about getting the approach spot on. We needed to get prospective candidates interested in the position and really sell them on the company.

Fortunately, we have quickly found a Senior Frontend Manager in our pool of candidates who seemed like a perfect fit for the company. It took us a few days to interview him and suggest him to our client, who also liked him. 

Finding a Senior Backend Manager proved harder. It took us three weeks to find several suitable candidates, and one of them had a perfect background for our needs. He has worked with startups before and had experience in building MVPs. 

Both of them joined the company in July 2022 and had been working with the company ever since. 

The onboarding process went smoothly. The developers we hired had already worked on similar projects, so they understood the scope of work and the startup culture well. 

Having assembled a great team through our hiring assistance, the company promptly started the product development, leading to a significantly faster process.


Now, post-hiring we continue to support the company.

To make sure that both the client and the employees are happy and the work gets done in the most efficient manner, we conduct regular 1:1 meetings and calls with the entire team. We know that sometimes the smallest details can set off the entire workflow and it is our job to find those details before they impact the development. 

Our clients don’t have to worry about managing the team or the payroll: we take all the hassle on ourselves so they can focus on the development. 

We are interested to see our clients grow, so we go beyond our direct responsibilities to help them achieve success. We had several productive consultations with the client about the growth vector of the company, the product, and the team management.


With the help of their new team, the company finished their MVP and received a much-needed funding that allowed the company to continue growing. Now, the company is working steadily, continuing to evolve, and getting ready to hire more people.


  • Gather a team of highly experienced developers within a short time frame;  
  • Build their MVP and get the funding;
  • Saved them up to a year of time in the hiring process.

Project Overview