Case Study
HR Tech AI Implementation

About Client

Our client, a young startup in HR tech, is on a mission to streamline the often subjective and lengthy hiring process. Their AI-powered platform assists HR professionals and hiring managers throughout the entire pipeline, saving them time and enabling data-driven decisions. This solution allows businesses to make confident hiring choices, while saving time, creating a more efficient and objective recruitment experience.



Our collaboration with the client began with a promising idea and the need for expertise to turn it into reality. Their goal when they came to us was to develop a minimum viable product (MVP) to demonstrate the concept and secure funding. 

Their idea was great: an AI-powered platform that would assist throughout the entire hiring process, automating repetitive tasks and promoting objective decision-making. The platform would analyze uploaded CVs assigning job-fit scores to prioritize candidates. It would then generate tailored interview questions based on the candidate and the job, and evaluate the responses. Additionally, the platform would record and transcribe interviews, analyzing clarity and relevance in the answers. After several interviews, the goal was for the AI to identify the most suitable candidates and explain its reasoning behind the selection.

Our years of experience in hiring made this project particularly interesting. Not only did it present an opportunity to work with cutting-edge technology, but it also held the potential to help in our own work. This vision for a more efficient and data-driven hiring process resonated with us, and we were thrilled to partner with the startup to bring their solution to life.


As always, our work with the client began with an in-depth discovery phase. This involved a series of meetings where we delved into their business goals, current operations, and future aspirations. By gaining a comprehensive understanding of their company and challenges, we could adjust our own work to better fit our client’s needs. 

Here’s what we typically cover during this stage: 

  • Understanding needs: We look at the client's goals, target audience, and desired functionality.
  • Planning and specifications: We chart a roadmap, outline technical specifications, and create initial design concepts.
  • Technical feasibility assessment: We evaluate the technical feasibility of the proposed solution, considering the available resources, technology stack, and potential implementation challenges. Through this assessment, we ensured a realistic and achievable project plan.

Naturally, every journey has its challenges, and this one was no exception. Since the project was so big, we anticipated various complexities in developing the platform. However, we were prepared to navigate these obstacles and deliver a solution that met our clients’ vision. Here are some of the challenges we encountered:

  1. Balancing Multifunctionality and Efficiency

Choosing the optimal AI model architecture required a delicate balancing act. While factors like data type, desired functionalities, and available computational resources all played a crucial role, this case presented an additional layer of challenge due to the platform's complexity. It needed to fulfill a diverse range of functions—scanning resumes, analyzing interview conversations, and generating questions—all while maintaining seamless interconnectivity and a lightweight user experience. This multifaceted nature demanded a system architecture capable of efficiently handling various tasks, switching between them effortlessly, and remaining scalable for large volumes of simultaneous users and data.

  1. Speech-to-Text Challenges

Another critical aspect of the project involved selecting the optimal speech-to-text model. Recognizing the startup's target audience would often use highly specialized language, the challenge lay in ensuring the model's ability to handle technical jargon within interview conversations.

We initially considered building and training our own model tailored specifically to the HR and tech domain. However, this approach required significant time and resource investment, potentially delaying the project timeline. Consequently, we tested a broad range of existing speech-to-text models, evaluating their accuracy and ability to handle specialized language. Ultimately, we successfully identified a model capable of accurately capturing and transcribing even the most technical aspects of the interview conversations.

  1. Natural Language Processing (NLP) Challenges

Accurate analysis of information from resumes and generating tailored questions requires advanced NLP techniques like named entity recognition, text summarization, and question generation. While these techniques are powerful tools for analyzing structured data like resumes, understanding and analyzing interview responses presents a separate challenge. Interviews often involve informal language, nuanced conversational patterns, and implicit meanings that are difficult for machines to fully comprehend. To address this, we explored additional NLP strategies, focusing on those that could interpret conversational context and uncover subtle insights within spoken responses.

  1. AI-Based Decision Making

A key part of the project was an AI-powered "hiring assistant"  able to assist the users in making hiring decisions: who should be invited to the interview, which of the short-listed candidates to hire. As this feature was one of the main selling points of the service, we knew making it work flawlessly was a must. 

Crafting effective prompts for the AI was crucial. These prompts guided the AI's analysis of candidate profiles and job descriptions, focusing on relevant aspects to generate accurate rankings and job-fit scores. To ensure optimal performance, we rigorously tested the AI through various scenarios, identifying and addressing any hiccups, and continually refining the model for stability and high performance.

  1. Explaining Decisions

While an AI model's ability to generate accurate decisions is vital, it’s not everything that goes into a successful feature. The real value came from ensuring users could easily understand those decisions. After all, even the most valuable insights are rendered ineffective if they're not presented in a way that's clear and actionable. That's why we focused on making the model's output both transparent and easy to use, empowering users to make informed choices.

To achieve this, we addressed three key areas:

Transparent Model Output: We ensured the model's recommendations were presented in a user-friendly format, containing both technical explanations for users familiar with the underlying concepts and clear, general wording for broader comprehension.

Interactive Visualizations: We developed interactive and user-friendly visualizations to depict the AI's insights in a clear and accessible manner. This enabled users to easily grasp the reasoning behind the recommendations, empowering them to make informed decisions informed by both data-driven insights and human expertise.

Furthermore, we implemented Explainable AI (XAI) techniques, which provided users with deeper insights into the AI's decision-making process. These techniques helped users understand how the model arrived at specific candidate rankings and job-fit scores, ultimately fostering confidence in the platform's capabilities.



Witnessing the successful launch of the startup's MVP was immensely rewarding. The product concept, backed by a well-received demo, resonated with investors, leading the company to secure the necessary funding to continue development. Our technical expertise undoubtedly played a pivotal role in accelerating this process. By leveraging our knowledge of emerging generative AI technologies, we helped them get to market faster and gain a competitive edge.

However, our contributions extended beyond the technical realm. With our in-depth hiring experience, we also provided guidance on refining features and setting up the AI optimally. This blend of technical and hiring expertise, core to our work, proved instrumental in navigating the project's complexities and ensuring its success.

Moving forward, we remain committed to our work with the startup as their platform continues to evolve. This ongoing collaboration allows us to continuously contribute our expertise, ensuring that the platform not only maintains its competitive edge but also delivers a valuable and user-centric experience for years to come.


  • We developed a minimum viable product (MVP) that secured funding and enabled our clients to continue development.
  • Our combined AI and hiring expertise led to refined features, improved AI performance, and a highly user-friendly platform that helps with real hiring challenges.

Project Overview