7 Ways Your Website Makes You Look Untrustworthy

Oleksandra Sokolenko

Web designer

Web Design
September 3, 2024

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Is your website turning visitors away? In today's digital world, a website is often your first impression, and trust is everything. A trustworthy website isn't just about looking fancy; it's about convincing visitors you're a legitimate business with something valuable to offer. The problem? Many websites, without realizing it, make mistakes that scream "untrustworthy." Let's dive into these credibility killers and show you how to fix them, turning your website into a conversion machine.

1. Outdated and Unprofessional Design

Just as a physical store with peeling paint and dusty shelves can deter customers, an outdated website design can signal neglect and lack of attention to detail. Fonts, colors, and layout trends evolve over time, and failing to keep up can make your site appear behind the times and unprofessional. Here are a few things to be on the lookout for:

  • Slow loading pages
  • Design unoptimized for mobile devices
  • Mismatched page designs
  • Extremely outdated designs
  • Poor quality images

Your website doesn’t need to be overly trendy, but investing in a simple, modern, and user-friendly design will always pay off.

2. Lack of Social Proof 

Testimonials, reviews, endorsements, and certifications provide external validation of your credibility and expertise. Without social proof, visitors may question your claims and hesitate to engage with your business. If your website lacks these elements, consider adding them to make your online presence appear 'lived in' and trustworthy.

Here are some ways to do this:

  • Showcase case studies or success stories that highlight real-world examples of how your products or services have benefited previous clients or customers.
  • Incorporate client logos or badges from reputable organizations you've worked with or been recognized by.
  • Use user-generated content, such as customer photos, testimonials, or reviews from social media or third-party platforms.
  • Add trust symbols and signals, like security badges, industry affiliations, or guarantees.

3. Missing Information and outdated content

Thin, outdated content riddled with broken links is a guaranteed way to raise suspicion among your website visitors. Imagine stumbling upon a website where the latest blog post dates back to 2013, while the copyright notice at the bottom of the page insists it's still 2021. You would probably assume the website is abandoned and wouldn't purchase anything from it. It’s crucial to regularly update your website with fresh, informative content that not only showcases your expertise but also keeps visitors engaged and informed. By providing valuable and up-to-date content, you demonstrate your commitment to staying relevant and serving the needs of your audience.

Potential customers also seek clarity when navigating your website. They want to know who you are, what you offer, and how to get in touch with you. A lack of clear "About Us," "Contact," and "Services" pages can raise red flags about your legitimacy and credibility. Make sure those pages are updated and easily findable.

4. Inadequate Contact and Support Options

Limited or inaccessible contact and support options can leave visitors feeling stranded and uncertain about how to reach out for assistance or clarification. If your website lacks clear contact information, customer support channels, or self-service resources, users may question your accessibility and responsiveness as a business. Provide multiple avenues for users to contact you, including email, phone, live chat, and social media, and ensure that support resources are easily accessible and prominently displayed to instill confidence in your commitment to customer service and support.

Consider implementing chatbots or automated messaging systems to provide immediate assistance and guidance to visitors browsing your website. These interactive features not only offer timely support but also make you look reliable (and save your customer reps time!).

5. Overly Intrusive Pop-Ups and Ads 

Pop-up ads, flashing text, intrusive banners, and autoplay videos can disrupt the user experience and detract from your website's credibility. Instead of engaging visitors, these intrusive elements often annoy and frustrate them, leading to a negative perception of your brand. Visitors see such tactics as desperate attempts to push products or services, rather than genuine efforts to provide value. 

To build trust and foster engagement, it's essential to adopt a more restrained approach to advertising and prioritize user experience. Focus on delivering relevant and valuable content that resonates with your audience, rather than resorting to aggressive or intrusive marketing techniques. By respecting the user's experience and providing meaningful interactions, you can create a positive impression of your brand and encourage visitors to engage with your website willingly. 

6. Insecure Connection: 

With online security breaches on the rise and cyber threats becoming more sophisticated, users have become increasingly cautious about sharing personal information on unsecured websites. If your site lacks HTTPS encryption or displays security warnings, potential clients may hesitate to interact with it, fearing that their sensitive data could be compromised or intercepted by malicious actors. This heightened awareness of cybersecurity risks underscores the importance of prioritizing website security to reassure users and safeguard their trust.

Implementing HTTPS encryption not only encrypts data transmitted between the user's browser and your website but also authenticates the identity of your website, providing assurance to visitors that they are interacting with a legitimate and secure platform. By securing your website with HTTPS, you establish a secure connection that protects sensitive information, such as login credentials, payment details, and personal data, from eavesdropping and tampering.

7. Unprofessional or Amateurish Graphics

Low-quality or amateurishly designed graphics can undermine the perceived professionalism of your website and business. Poorly cropped images, pixelated logos, and generic stock photos can detract from your brand's credibility and authenticity. Invest in high-quality, professionally designed graphics that reflect your brand identity and enhance the visual appeal of your website to convey a sense of professionalism and trustworthiness.

In today's digital age, where first impressions matter more than ever, a polished and professional online presence is essential for building trust and attracting potential customers. By utilizing high-quality graphics, you communicate to visitors that you take pride in your business and are committed to delivering a quality experience.

Ready to Transform Your Website?

Understanding these errors is the first step towards transforming your website into a magnet for trust and credibility. However, recognizing issues is one thing; effectively addressing them is another. That's where we come in. 

As experts in web development, we specialize in creating websites that not only avoid these common problems, but also ensure your website stands out in a crowded digital landscape. We use no-code development, allowing us to make changes quickly, and making the end product cheaper for you. 

We offer free consultations, with absolutely zero pressure.  Didn't click with our ideas? No problem! We won't bombard you with annoying sales emails. Contact us today and let's discuss how we can help you create a website that gets you noticed and drives results.

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